
A major headwind

I am watching closely auto sales. Why? Because they are a major business sector - together with the housing sector.
Auto sales are close to an all-time high. Can they grow rapidly? I doubt it. They grew rapidly when we came out of the Great Recession. But now we are close to saturation.
Why do I care? Because if the economy grows more slowly I have to follow a specific investment strategy. Profits will have to decelerate.

More details in The Peter Dag Portfolio on www.peterdag.com

George Dagnino, PhD

EditorThe Peter Dag Portfolio
Since 1977
Author, Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets
No. 1 bond timer in the past 12 months.

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Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the important info, i hope this article will help my decision making while deciding on my investments.

www.peterdag.com said...

Thank you. George