
The age of unrest continues

Germany wants stiffer sanctions against nations whose budget deficits top 3 percent of gross domestic product in exchange for cheaper rescue loans.

Angela Merkel and the Christian Democrats have taken a beating with their handling of the euro crisis.

 Libya erupted into violence last night after Muammar Qaddafi’s son threatened “rivers of blood” .

“This is much, much worse chaos than we saw in Egypt or Tunisia,” said Daniel Byman, director of the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University in Washington.s much, much worse chaos than we saw in Egypt or Tunisia,” said Daniel Byman, director of the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University in Washington.

The Bahraini government is in the process of brutally suppressing the protesters in its own version of Tahrir Square, Pearl Square.

Two Iranian naval ships have entered Egypt's Suez Canal and are heading towards the Mediterranean, a canal official said.

"They entered the canal at 5:45am," the official told Reuters news agency on Tuesday.

There are reports of renewed anti-government protests in Iran, with demonstrators taking to the streets in several cities across the country.

Protesters have apparently thronged Tehran's Vali-Asr and Enghelab squares. Similar demonstrations are being reported in Shiraz and Isfahan.

Al-Qaeda and the Iranian government, have seen their standing sink in proportion to the rise of the pro-democracy movements.

At least eight people have been injured in clashes that broke out in Jordan’s capital between government supporters and opponents at a protest calling for more freedom and lower food prices.

Union leaders urged Wisconsin teachers to return to work at schools that are open on Monday, but large protests were expected to continue at the Capitol against a plan to cut collective bargaining rights and benefits to state workers.

As protests continued here, dozens of “solidarity events” in support of Wisconsin union members were being planned across the country over the next several days, including rallies on Monday in Las Vegas; Helena, Mont.; Carson City, Nev.; and Raleigh, N.C.

Interesting news from several reports. Why now? It seems a global synchronized unrest. It is an impressive situation, to say the least. How will the USA react if the turmoil reaches Saudi Arabia?

As commodities soar!

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked second best gold timer by Timer Digest

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