
An intriguing picture

This picture on Reuters' website intrigued me.

I understand the meaning of it and the rage of the people for the BP spill. It is ugly and should not happen.

The reason it intrigued me because it reminded me the French Revolution (1789-1799), which ended with the coming of a dictatorship (Napoleon) because "the people", after gaining independence from the king, started killing each other.

What does it mean "power to the people"? Who are "the people"? Is it you and I? Or is it "them"? How would "the people" find more energy? Ethanol? An idea that makes a lot of money for the big corn producers and ruins engines.

Who is going to rule "the people"? Isn't Obama enough. This is also a soviet slogan. Does it mean there are no parties, just one political party .. "the people"? Do we want a dictatorship?

I am raising these questions because I was surprised that Reuters was intrigued enough by the slogan to place the picture on the home page of their website.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked Top Market Timer in 2009 and 2010 by Timer Digest

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