
The human predicament

It is not what Larry Kudlow called "the unions protest" in Greece. It is the human predicament.

I am absolutely shattered by what is going on in Europe and watching the Greeks fighting in the streets for something they never could afford.

We bailed out GM and the financial system. We are in the process of bailing out California, New Jersey,... Now we are moving to bailing out whole countries and regions of the world.

What is sad about the human predicament is that the populace does not understand, and no one makes an effort to explain the real issues.

We (a company or country) have to earn the benefits we receive. If we do not earn and able to pay for the benefits, we are doomed. This is what happened to GM and Greece.

The politicians, instead, hide behind the stupid concept of "ideology" and give everything we need and we want. This is the real social injustice.

Now, as in the ad on TV (showing the kid disappointed because he/she was never told), the people of Greece are facing reality. They never afforded all the benefits they enjoyed. An ugly and unneeded shock.

Now the Greek government has to attract industries to produce the wealth they failed to generate.

We do not realize it, but it is also happening to us. The steady, slow, and gradual loss of purchasing power is a sign that we are paying out of our pockets for all the bail outs and benefits we do not afford.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked Top Market Timer in 2009 and 2010 by Timer Digest

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