
The end of an icon?

One thing is clear in the aftermath of the debt-limit debate: U.S. President Barack Obama has lost his glamour. The alluring icon of hope and change has become just another pol, derided by his supporters as well as his opponents. As one headline succinctly put it: “Obama succumbs to the ways of Washington.”

Most striking was how irrelevant the president seemed to the entire debate. Obama didn’t present his own alternative to the various congressional plans or make a case for a particular policy. When he tried to address the public, he came off as condescending, self-interested and detached. His pulpit proved anything but bully. (Source: Bloomberg)

I think he was elected, and received the Nobel prize, because he was a great speaker. He gave us hope and fascinated us with its eloquence.

Unfortunately, though, he did not have the experience in managing an enterprise or a state. He was not connected in Washington and let Pelosi run the show.

He became isolated even more. People are realizing that the king has no clothes.

Unfortunately for the country this is bad timing because we need a leader who gets out of the mess we are in.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
2009 Market Timer of the Year by Timer Digest

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