

I am probably wrong, but this is something to think about.

We are being inundated by news about the government, things we should or should not do, how much executives should be paid, who should or should not pay taxes, who should or should not own a home, what kind of cars we should drive, which companies need to be bailed out, what kind of power we should generate, how we should protect the consumer, which banks should survive, what should we learn in school and the pace of learning, how much money should the governemnt spend to make us feel better, policy uncertainties due to too many things to regulate, where should we build the first fast train, .....

We seem to accept the idea that the government should make all these decisions for us.

Maybe, just maybe, we have all these economic and financial problems because Washington is increasingly trying to tell us what to do and how to do it. The government has become too big, taking too much of a bite out of our existence.

I am tempted to say that our current uncertainties and size of government interventionism are going hand in hand. I have seen similar tendencies in other countries.

It is just a thought, of course. I am probably wrong. Have a nice week-end.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked best market timer over 12 and 6 months ending 8/20/10 by Timer Digest

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