
It is a long and dangerous journey

The first of Ukraine’s lessons for Egyptian and Tunisian democrats is that elections do not a democracy make. After all, what if the enemies of freedom use elections to entrench their anti-democratic agendas? What if elements of the old regime, or the cadres of militant minorities, only pretend to embrace democratic norms in order to hijack the new democracy?

The politicians have a way of surviving, changing color, and achieve power really unique. Some Eastern European countries found this out.

Revolutions only change the power group(s) in control of the country. But the problems of the country more often than not are difficult to solve. The cultural make up is difficult to change.

My sense of history is that the dynamics of each country is to drive power in the hands of fewer and fewer power groups until the situation become intolerable. Then things happen. And the process starts all over again. Like quick sand, however, the populace finds itself at the bottom of the ladder. Was it worth?

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked second best gold timer by Timer Digest

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