
In other words ....

Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) -- European Union President Herman Van Rompuy speaks at a news conference about a proposal to rewrite EU treaties to create a permanent debt-crisis mechanism by 2013. (Excerpt. Source: Europe by Satellite) .

It is like selling cars because we have a great service to fix them. The assumption is that they will continue to build bad quality cars.

They keep writing rules on how to behave without letting the guilty pay the price.

They will keep doing what they know to do best. Keep spending and keep taxing. I lived there. They have created a special club for themselves. They live in regal palaces driven by luxurious limousines. It is always the others that have to make sacrifices. They are the untouchables.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked best market timer in the 12 and 6 months ending 8/20/10 by Timer Digest

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