
Confused -- where do we stop?

Hillary Clinton:"Yemen is a threat to regional stability".

We are in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and now Yemen. I am really confused. Please help me understand.

The Bush doctrine was that if they are a threat they are our enemies. It looks like this administration is adopting the same doctrine. When and where do we stop?

What happened to putting people to work? Do you remember when they met last month tying to figure out how to create jobs?

It looks like a rising market makes us forget all these "mundane" issues.


George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked Top Market Timer in 2009 by Timer Digest

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1 comment:

edward pritchard said...


another George, the Father of our country said"
Avoid foreign entanglements ,
and we all learned about it in grade school
ed/the philosopher

George Washington served two terms as the first President of the United States but, when asked to run yet again, pointedly refused stating that two terms as President were enough for any man. Washington's decades of service to his country are marked by unyielding patriotism, vision, a stern but courteous manner, and unsurpassed moral and ethical standards.

When he wrote his farewell address in May of 1796, he was planning to finally retire to his plantation across the Potomac at Mount Vernon. The Address contains much advice to the new nation, still valid today, including:

To value Religion and Morality as indispensible to Liberty;
To avoid the rise of "factions" seeking to steer the deliberative processes;
To avoid foreign entanglements.