
They got it wrong!

Comments from a CNBC blog. "Rising gold prices don’t portend doom as they once did. In fact, Cramer said Wednesday, these days they trumpet good news."
"..... expensive gold equals a weak dollar, and that’s good for American business. The lagging greenback keeps our exports cheap, thereby making our companies more competitive overseas. "

My view. Wrong, wrong, wrong! It is the other way around! The dollar is weak because it reflects the lack of competitiveness of most of our industries. Just look at what happened to our auto industry.

Investors are selling dollars (the dollar declines) and buying other currencies (other currencies rise) because they find better opportunities in non-dollar areas of the world.

The dollar will strengthen when our industries become more competitive. The dollar does not strengthen just because our leaders say it should. It is plainly preposterous and shows lack of understanding of what drives currencies!

To find out more about my in depth views of the markets and my strategy just visit our website https://www.peterdag.com/ where you can review The Peter Dag Portfolio. You can also call me at 1-800-833-2782 to discuss your specific money management needs.

I will be happy to speak to your investment group on how the business cycle impacts investment strategies and the choice of asset classes.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, since 1977
Ranked in the Top 10 for 12, 6, and 3 months for market timing by Timer Digest

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