
China is slowly changing

News. HONG KONG/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Fair competition or Save the Planet?

That could ultimately be at play as China and the West, long at odds over trade in steel, textiles and auto parts, risk being sucked into a row over protectionism in renewable energy equipment such as solar panels.

German solar firms Conergy and Solarworld have voiced strong concern about the pricing practices of Chinese panel makers -- who undercut their German peers' products by around 20 percent. Chinese modules sell in Europe at about 1.70 euros per watt, according to a UBS report.Industry experts say U.S. firms share those German concerns.

My point. China has been changing. The interest of China is China. Not the global economy. Not the US deficit. Not the Yuan. They are slowly increasing the power of the state and tightening the rules of the game. That we like it or not.

If China becomes strong is to help China and control Asia. We will have to deal with this reality. The only way out is to become more competitive, more educated, and more business oriented. Otherwise they are going to humble us.

Hopefully Washington is listening.

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George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, since 1977

1 comment:

Stock said...

I think Washington is focused on re-election and whatever power trips they find important. However, I have reports that their PV panels, which should have a 30 year life to produce the 10 to 1 payback that we estimate, have deficiencies. After all...they have put lead into childrens toys, and poison into dog food.