
The global economy is in an upswing

The bearish feelings about the economy are grossly exaggerated.

I am tired to hear about the subprime crisis, the weakness of the housing sector, the death of the consumer, the weakness of the dollar, and how we are doomed.

The facts are quite different.

a. Employment is strong.
b. Income is strong.
c. Manufacturing is improving.
d. Commodities are strong.
e. Bond yields are rising.
f. The global business cycle has turned decisively up with the indicators of the 5 major Asian countries, the USA, Germany, UK, France, Canada, Brazil, Russia, and India pointing to strong growth ahead.

This is what you see when business conditions are red hot!

Let's stop crying that things are bad. There are great opportunities to make money in this environment.

More on http://www.peterdag.com/.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio
Since 1977

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