
I am intrigued by XLE

XLE, the energy ETF, has declined since early December.

My indicators are saying XLE has declined to oversold levels.

What does it mean? Any strength of a few days and XLE is a buy.

I will let you know from NZ (I cannot stay away from the markets).

George Dagnino, PhD
aka Peter Dag


Leisa♠ said...

Dear George:

I cannot tell you how excited I am to see you in the blogosphere. I just read your most recent newsletter, and I popped right over. And, if I'm quick, I'll be your inaugural commentator!

I recommend your website and your service to people that I come into contact with (as well as your book). And I write not to "pump" your site--it stands on its own merit--but rather to express genuine appreciation for your work.

Leisa♠ said...

Well, I see that I'm only the inaugural commentator for today...given that you've been posting since the 8th. Sigh!

T said...

Rumour has it we are almost neighbors here in Akron. You have been in the game a long time. I have always admired your investment approach. It has withstood the test of time.

Maybe lunch someday at Luigi's or on "The Strip".


MarkM said...

Well, did you buy XLE or not? :) A nice little bounce off oversold.

(Leisa- Is this qualify as our "woodshed"?) :)

Leisa♠ said...

Markm....yes this qualifies as the woodshed!