

As a teenager I did not like to go to school. Italian schools were tough. Instead I liked to play tennis. It was fun to travel around Italy, playing tournaments, winning them, and having parties with fellow players and friends after a final.

History and philosophy -- required courses -- were not my priorities. Life, however, plays interesting tricks. Eventually.

The study of history is now my main business. I need to learn from the past. Understand and discover new patterns. This is my passion.

This focus on history led me to look into how historical events impact our way of thinking. This is probably going to be my third book. As I uncover new concepts and developments, I take notes. I am beginning to get excited as new relationships emerge. I am learning.

History is about the ebb and tide of civilizations. Nations and empires rise and fall. Initially countries have the ingredients to dominate. Slowly, however, they dissolve.

They fold under the weight of change, caused by new developments they do not understand. Like GM. The rise of power has the seeds of its demise. We are ingrained in what we do and we become paralyzed by our culture. We cannot react to what is obviously happening.

The riots in France are a classic example. Right after 9/11, I suggested that what happened was a desperate action by desperate, poor people (I provided the data).

Europe is overwhelmed by swarms of immigrants from Africa, Turkey, Balkans, Philippines, Indonesia, Latin America, and Middle East. Boats full of people from Albania are landing in southern Italy. Crime is rising. Europe is invaded by poor people and Europeans are unprepared. Concerned. Paralyzed. Unrest is evident in Germany, Holland, U.K., Belgium, and now in France.

As in the last years of the Roman Empire, the “barbarians” are invading us. They desperately want to change the world order to gain our attention. To share our wealth. Are we fighting the wrong war against terrorism? Is it time to focus on the real problem?

(This Observations appeared in the 11-21-2005 issue of The Peter Dag Portfolio ).

George Dagnino, PhD Editor,
The Peter Dag Portfolio.
Since 1977
2009 Market Timer of the Year by Timer Digest
Portfolio manager

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Stock said...

Agreed, way too many low level foreigners have "invaded". I wonder why they let them in? Because like in the US the existing citizens didn't want to do menial jobs?

I believe that many think it politically incorrect to talk like this. Shame on anyone for feeling that way. The facts and conclusions are obvious.

We should not be afraid to discuss the elephant in the room.

Most Dance said...
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