
About government investments

The political scandal over the failure of Solyndra, the politically connected solar-panel maker, just got a lot more interesting. The FBI raided the company's Fremont, California offices yesterday and executed a search warrant.

Congress has been investigating the company, which received a $535 million government loan guarantee in March 2009 and announced August 31 that it is filing for bankruptcy. Yesterday's FBI raid is the first hint of a larger government probe, which is being conducted in cooperation with the Department of Energy's Inspector General. The FBI declined to comment. A Solyndra spokesman said it was surprised by the raid ... (Source: WSJ)

From "Calafia Beach Pundit":

Industrial policy (of all kinds) is about the only sure way to ensure that taxpayer's money is wasted....... I believe strongly that any good idea worth its salt will have no trouble locating funding. As the late Jude Wanniski often argued, the supply of capital in the world is virtually unlimited if you have a good and profitable idea. Governments should never play the role of venture capitalist.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
2009 Market Timer of the Year by Timer Digest

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