

How do you stay "ahead" when you live in a country with a weak currency?

A weak dollar reflects a weak country. Meaning: its citizens lose purchasing power relative to the rest of the world.

From a US citizen viewpoint living in the US, one has to be smarter than the average person to stay ahead of the average person. It will allow you to purchase more than the average person. The outcome is that you will feel like you stayed ahead.

From a global viewpoint, you need to go to a country with a strong currency and be as productive as the average citizen.

This is what I did several decades ago when I came to this country. It was an excellent decision because I worked harder than the average person. The outcome has been that I gained relative to the average US citizen and relative to the country I came from.

Jim Rogers, the great investor, moved to Singapore. Same idea.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked second best gold timer by Timer Digest

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