
Thoughts of the day

I hear many ideas on what to do about all our problems.

Why? Why do we have so many exceptions? Why are we being treated differently in the eyes of the government whether you are a union member, a government employee, city employee, rich, poor, married, single, teacher, professor of state colleges, large banks, small banks, government financial institutions, housing sector and financing, ....

Aren't we all equal? Why do we make so many different remuneration schemes, pensions, insurance, and taxation? Based on "access" to power?

I just do not understand why we have so many regulations and exceptions to anything we do. Why do we make our life so complicated until the system stops and does not work anymore?

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio. Since 1977
Ranked Top Market Timer in 2009 and 2010 by Timer Digest

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John and Rosemarie Boyd said...

'Atlas Shrugged" 'Who is John Gault?" How do we fight this distructive trend away from independence and free enterprise in today's world?


www.peterdag.com said...

The pendulum will swing in the opposite direction in the next few years. Market forces will make it happen. See what happend in Hungary and New Zeakand. George