
The markets will win...always

President Barack Obama on Wednesday imposed $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with "executives being rewarded for failure.

"Obama announced the dramatic new government intervention into corporate America at the White House, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at his side. The president said the executive-pay limits are a first step, to be followed by the unveiling next week of a sweeping new framework for spending what remains of the $700 billion financial industry bailout that Congress created last year.

The flight of executives from companies receiving TARP money will confirm Obama's decision was not a good one. The best executives will leave. The below average ones will stay. Is this what we want? Is it just a PR move to show the government is in control?

I firmly believe the markets always win...always.

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George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio
Since 1977

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