
What am I learning in this market rout?

I am glad I am following my indicators in managing money. This is the reaosn I like a flexible investment strategy.

Start selling when my indicators are saying the market is too high. Start buying when the market is oversold.

Long-term investment strategies are great...but cause a lot of pain during times of market volatility.

Did you notice the bond market is outperforming stocks? (see blogs below on this subject).

More on http://www.peterdag.com/.

George Dagnino, PhD
Editor, The Peter Dag Portfolio
Since 1977


MarkM said...


Did the Fed not cut rates and inject liquidity all the way down from 2000-2002? Why do you believe this to be failproof?

Unknown said...

What is your feeling about the head and shoulders top pattern in the DJIA? If broken, could this be the start of something much worse?